How to Prevent Labor Violations
in California

About this Webinar

The latest in Californian legislation has HR spinning: the Fast-Food Franchisor Responsibility Act (AB 1228) was passed in early June by the state’s Assembly that re-defines fast-food franchisors as joint employers to franchisees. This has created tension across shift-based workforces as the price of non-compliance has increased due to this bill. Many believe that other industries will have similar laws enacted that will crack down on overtime, misclassification of workers, wage & hour discrepancies, etc.

California is notorious for their strict labor laws so we’re bringing back a fan favorite and expert on the matter: Katrice Miller, Director of HR Compliance at Microsoft & Professor at Loyola University. Katrice has experience with CA labor laws through her work with HR compliance training and policy implementation for employers across the U.S. She will answer live questions from the audience during the last 15 minutes of the webinar, so be sure to register for the event!


  • How often compensation practices should be reviewed to avoid labor violations and penalties.

  • The most overlooked violations pertaining to minimum wage, overtime, & meal break laws.

  • How to ensure orderly and airtight compliance across the company.